Preparing for your new puppy is such an exciting time. Pretty soon you’re going to have a small furry ball running around the house and you’re thinking already about all the fun times ahead. But are you also prepared for the hard work and the time-consuming, sleep-depriving part of welcoming a puppy into the family? Very few puppy owners realise just how much their life is about to change. This might all sound a bit scary – but don’t panic! There are also plenty of amazing moments only a dog owner can experience.
1.Prepare your house
Set yourself up with everything you need for your puppy’s comfort and training.
Some essentials are;
Basic four- to six-foot leash (later you can get an extra-long one for training)
Adjustable collar with ID tags
Metal or ceramic pet bowls for food and water (avoid plastic as it may cause skin irritation and is easy for puppies to chew up)
Puppy food
Simple dog bed with room to grow
Dog crate with room to grow
A few simple dog toys (try one of each: a squeaky toy, a plush toy, a chew toy)
A brush, comb, or grooming mitt appropriate for your puppy’s coat
As your puppy grows, you will find you need other items, such as grooming supplies and preventive products. Your vet can help you decide which items best fit your dog’s needs. Having everything ready and getting your puppy into a routine quickly will help it settle in easily to life with you.
2.Puppy-Proof Your Home
Before your little friend comes home with you, it’s essential that you prepare your home. Do your best to puppy-proof every area of your home. Destructive puppy behavior is common, frustrating, and can be dangerous for your dog. Your puppy is sure to find all the little things that can hurt it.
Get down to a puppy eye-level and look for
Hide all electrical cords as best as possible.
Lock cabinets, especially those that contain food or medications, toxic chemicals, and other household items that may be dangerous.
Keep houseplants up high where your dog cannot chew their leaves.
Get a trash can with a locking lid or keep the bin behind closed doors.
3.Find the Right Veterinarian
Your new puppy should visit your veterinarian for the first time within a few days of coming home with you. It is important for the puppy to have a physical examination, even if no vaccines are due.
It’s best to find a good veterinarian before you bring home your puppy. Then you will have the vet lined up and not have to rush to find one. Look for a veterinary office with a great reputation in a convenient location for you. Make sure their prices are affordable for you. The best way to find a good vet is to ask around and research. Talk to friends and family members with pets.
On your puppy’s first visit, be sure to bring all the paperwork provided by the breeder or adoption group. Your vet will do the examination and discuss the puppy vaccination schedule with you. Puppies need several core vaccinations, beginning at six weeks of age. Some vaccines require a booster within a year of the last dose in the initial vaccination series
4.Learn How to Raise Puppy Correctly
All puppies need special care to make sure they grow up healthy and happy.
Choose a healthy diet made specifically for puppies.
Begin house training from the moment your puppy comes home. Understand that this may take many weeks to months.
Begin obedience training at home, but start small. Be patient and consistent. However, don’t be too strict; let your puppy be a puppy!
Socialize your puppy well. Take your puppy lots of different places so it can experience sights, sounds, people, and pets that are new. However, be sure to only let your puppy meet healthy, vaccinated dogs.
Sign up for puppy training classes with a good trainer. Not only will this help your puppy learn, but it will also provide socialization.
Establish a routine that includes exercise.
Make time for bonding and play. You can even teach your puppy some fun games.
5.Puppy Day Care and Walk Arrangements
Another thing to consider when preparing for a new puppy is that now you have an extra member of the family to include in your plans before you leave the house. Every time you go for evenings out or weekends away or book holidays, your puppy still needs to know who is going to give them food, hugs, and join them on their daily walks.
If you work and the dog is to be left alone, choose who is going to look after your puppy very carefully. They are at an important developmental stage in their life and so you need someone who has the experience and knowledge to be able to enhance their confidence, teach them important life-skills in a positive manner – and know what to do if anything goes wrong or in an emergency.You may also need to arrange day care or a dog walker. Dogs are a social species and do not do well on their own. A puppy needs constant attention to grow up healthy and happy – and to stay out of trouble – especially in the early weeks.
As Paws team, we are more than happy to help you out. We offer dog walking, daycare and boarding services. All of our Paws Carers go through strict hiring process, pass through Paws University Test and First-Person interview to join our team. Feel free to get in touch with us.